CANA Feature-Caribbean wobbles under the impact of climate change

CANA Feature-Caribbean wobbles under the impact of climate change

By Peter Richards BRIDGETOWN, Barbados, Dec 28, CMC – In 2017, the Caribbean felt the full brunt of climate change with a warning that current trends indicate that there will be no respite. Within a two-week period, Hurricanes Irma and Maria brought home the reality of the impact of climate...

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CANA Feature-Sint Maarten’s Daily Herald steps up in the face of Irma

CANA Feature-Sint Maarten’s Daily Herald steps up in the face of Irma

By Marvin Hokstam Often media houses only serve to tell the stories of their communities as observers, rarely becoming the subjects of stories themselves. For Sint Maarten’s The Daily Herald, Hurricane Irma offered an opportunity to go beyond the call of duty; and they clutched it. The paper escaped Irma’s...

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