CBU Caribbean Awards Winner-Money from trees: What of Indigenous people and their rights? And do they benefit from the carbon trade?

CBU Caribbean Awards Winner-Money from trees: What of Indigenous people and their rights? And do they benefit from the carbon trade?

After years of campaigning by Guyana and other forest-rich nations, there is finally a mechanism to value the carbon dioxide stored in trees and to pay countries which have kept their forests standing. Guyana is the first country to benefit and is set to receive hundreds of millions of United...

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CBU Media Awards Winner-Barbados: The Cost of Being a Climate Champion

CBU Media Awards Winner-Barbados: The Cost of Being a Climate Champion

Jutting out of the ocean as if a battle-weathered warrior is the island nation of Barbados, one of the many Small Island Developing States holding the frontline against the effects of climate change. Despite Barbados’ position on the battlefield, they did not start this war and did not set the...

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CBU Media Awards Winner-The Climate Test of Guyana’s Mangroves

CBU Media Awards Winner-The Climate Test of Guyana’s Mangroves

Trotting through the swamps of the Imbotero, Barima Waini Mangrove Forest, 50-year-old Huburn Jacobs seeks out crab holes. As he discovers active burrows, he uses grass to block the openings and later returns to retrieve the crabs. This is a regular routine not just for Jacobs but for many of...

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CBU Media Awards Winner-US$150M funding for green energy projects coming to Caribbean

CBU Media Awards Winner-US$150M funding for green energy projects coming to Caribbean

This story was produced as part of the 2022 Climate Change Media Partnership, a journalism fellowship organized by Internews’ Earth Journalism Network and the Stanley Center for Peace and Security. +++++ While world leaders and delegates negotiated over formal climate financing at COP27, the international climate summit at Sharm el-Shiekh, Egypt,...

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